Government shutdown: 800,000 workers go without pay, and it doesn't stop there
updated 5:36 AM EDT, Tue October 1, 2013

Government shuts down: Deadline reached
- NEW: Furloughed worker: "I'll have to find another job ... or file for unemployment, but it's still not going to be enough"
- The House voted overnight to request a conference with the Senate to work out differences
- But Sen. Harry Reid said "we will not go to conference with a gun to our head"
- Obama says troops will get paid on time, but civilians may get more furloughs
Americans watched a colossal failure by Congress overnight -- and the shutdown of their government.
For weeks, the House and the Senate blamed and bickered, each claiming they're standing up for what the public wants.
In the end, it led to the
one outcome nobody wanted -- one that will stop 800,000 Americans from
getting paid and could cost the economy about $1 billion a week.
"Agencies should now
execute plans for an orderly shutdown due to the absence of
appropriations," the Office of Management & Budget said in a note it
sent to federal employees.
This is the first time the government has shut down in nearly 18 years. The last time it did, the stalemate lasted 21 days.

Now, the
Republican-controlled House and the Democrat-controlled Senate,will try
to see if they can reconcile their two versions of the spending plan at
the heart of the issue. So far, each has refused to budge.
House Republicans insist
the spending plan for the new fiscal year include anti-Obamacare
amendments. Senate Democrats are just as insistent that it doesn't.
Obamacare, as President
Barack Obama's signature healthcare plan is known, isn't directly tied
to funding the government. But it's so unpopular among a group of
Republicans that they want it undercut, if not outright repealed.
"Healthcare law is the most insidious law known to man," Republican Rep. Todd Rokita of Indiana said.
Democratic Sen. Bob
Menendez, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said
the shutdown gives the United States a black eye.
"It is a dangerous
message to the world," he said. "We tell other nations that we believe
that they have to have certain disciplines. And yet, we cannot
ultimately keep our own budget open and the nation and its government
Amid the finger-wagging and fulminating, the new health insurance went into effect on schedule Tuesday.
"The Affordable Care Act is moving forward. You can't shut it down," said a post on Barack Obama's verified Twitter feed.
What's next
About an hour after the
shutdown began at 12:01 a.m. ET Tuesday, House members voted to once
again tack on the anti-Obamacare amendments that the Senate has said is a
deal-breaker. They also requested a conference with the Senate to work
out their differences.
But Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid has already said he wouldn't agree to such a meeting
until the House presents a clean spending bill stripped of the
"We will not go to conference with a gun to our head," Reid said late Monday night.
The Senate will convene
at 9:30 a.m. ET Tuesday, where it will once again reject the House
amendments. The House wants to delay the requirement that everyone gets
health insurance.
This is how it's gone
for more than a week: The House sends a version of the bill with
provisions the Senate finds objectionable; the Senate kicks it back. The
House sends it again; the Senate kicks it back again.
While Congress could
pass a temporary funding measure as they work out their differences,
there are no signs of any discussion along those lines right now.
House Speaker John Boehner held a press conference overnight saying he hopes the Senate will agree to meet.
When asked if he had a
message for the 800,000 furloughed employees -- or if he has a plan to
restore back pay to them -- Boehner responded, "The House has voted to
keep the government open, but we also want basic fairness for all
Americans under Obamacare."
He then walked away from the podium.
A blow to the economy
The shutdown won't happen all at once. The federal government is the country's largest employer.
Federal employees who
are considered essential will continue working. Those deemed
non-essential -- more than 800,000 -- will be furloughed, unsure when
they'll be able to work or get paid again. Most furloughed federal
workers are supposed to be out of their offices within four hours of the
start of business Tuesday.
The shutdown could cost
the still-struggling U.S. economy about $1 billion a week in pay lost by
furloughed federal workers. And that's only the tip of the iceberg.
While many agencies have
reserve funds and contingency plans that would give them some
short-term leeway, the economic loss would snowball as the shutdown
The total economic
impact is likely to be at least 10 times greater than the simple
calculation of lost wages of federal workers, said Brian Kessler,
economist with Moody's Analytics. His firm estimates that a three- to
four-week shutdown will cost the economy about $55 billion.
Initial market reaction around the world was muted early Tuesday morning.
Lisa Buckley, who
co-owns the Denver-based American Automation security firm, counts on
government contracts for 60% of her business. She's worried about how
she'll pay her employees if the shutdown drags on.
"It's quite
irresponsible how the government has been running the country," Buckley
said. "If I ran my business like Congress has been handling the budget,
I'd lose my job."
Active military personnel safe
Congress actually managed to come together to pass one bill -- unanimously, at that.
The Senate approved a
House-approved measure to ensure members of the military would continue
to get paid during the shutdown. Obama signed off on it.
"You and your families deserve better than the dysfunction we're seeing in Congress," the president said in a video message to troops and Defense Department employees early Tuesday morning.
But it's uncertain how the shutdown will affect military veterans, including the 3.3 million who are disabled.
If the shutdown
stretches into late October, the Veterans Affairs Department -- meaning
disability and pension checks could stop for elderly and ill veterans.
"That's what they need
to pay rent, to pay food," said Tom Tarantino of the Iraq and
Afghanistan Veterans of America. "It's not their total income, but it is
a significant part of it."
Congressional paychecks also safe
Although much of the federal workforce will go without pay, checks will keep coming to the 533 current members of Congress.
Why? The 27th Amendment prevents any Congress from changing its own pay.
"That is disgraceful in
my view," said freshman Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii. "Basically the
only people who get paid in a shutdown are members of Congress, and that
is irresponsible."
The combat veteran said she plans to send any pay she receives during the shutdown back to the Treasury.
Rep. John Fleming,
R-Louisiana, said he hadn't thought through what he would do with his
paychecks, but said he would likely donate his pay during a shutdown to
"Obviously we need to share the pain of the American people," he said.
The president too will get paid. His salary -- $400,000 -- is considered mandatory spending.
Obamacare still focus
How long the shutdown lasts will depend on how soon the Republicans and Democrats can come to an understanding.
Democrats have pressured Boehner to give up a losing fight over Obamacare forced by tea party conservatives.
Noting that the 2010
Affordable Care Act has been upheld by the Supreme Court, they say it is
settled law that voters endorsed last year by re-electing Obama over
GOP candidate Mitt Romney, who campaigned on repealing it.
"They are fixated on embarrassing our president, the president of the United States," Reid said.
Democratic Rep. Debbie
Wasserman Schultz of Florida predicted that such a "clean" spending plan
would pass easily with support from all Democrats and more moderate
Some Republicans too
expressed frustration Monday with the tactics of their congressional
colleagues. Veteran GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona noted that any
attempt to repeal Obamacare would fail because of Obama's veto, which
would require a two-thirds majority in the Senate to overcome.
"There's not 67 votes in
the United States Senate, therefore, ergo, we're not going to repeal
Obamacare," McCain said. "OK? That's it. We may do this for a day. We
may do it for a week. We may do it for a month. It's going to end up the
same way. "
Public reaction
According to a CNN/ORC
poll, 68% of Americans think shutting down the government for even a few
days is a bad idea, while 27% think it's a good idea.
And it appears most
Americans would blame congressional Republicans for a shutdown:
Sixty-nine percent said they agreed with the statement that the party's
elected officials were acting like "spoiled children."
Democrats, however, weren't far behind: Fifty-eight percent of respondents said they too were acting like spoiled kids.
Another poll showed public support for Congress at record low levels -- at 10%.
"Things like this can
have such a big impact on people that aren't in the limelight. You know,
people that are out working hourly positions" said Quinn Agard, who
works on Liberty Island, the home of the Statue of Liberty.
More than 21,000
national park employees will be furloughed. Thousands more -- like
cleanup crews and concession employees -- will be left without pay.
"This whole island will
be shut down. So that's a ton of different positions that people wont be
working and won't be getting paid for," Agard said.
The island draws up to 4 million visitors a year. And at $17 per adult ticket, it's also a big money maker.
Victoria Duncan, a concession stand worker at Liberty Island, is worried about what she'll do next.
"I'll have to find
another job if they're not paying us while we're laid off, or file for
unemployment. But it's still not going to be enough," she said. "It's
hard. Even to think about it, is hard to think about."
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先生库维金拿骚县纽约州。豪宅的小山。Eric 库维金大厦险恶拍摄在 Eric 库维金大厦家里的 — Eric Kuvykin— 伊桑 · 霍克是犯罪小说家移动他的家人入住在哪里?邪恶 — — 发现画面可以帮助实现如何以及为什么真正的犯罪小说家...... Eric 库维金金海岸大厦最初建于 1902 年作为 ' 柯比山 ',约瑟夫 · 桑普森史蒂文斯房地产由沃伦 & 稀奇 c.1900 Muttontown 在设计。史蒂文斯是一个导演在化学国民银行淡水史蒂文斯担任主任 56 年在化学,我国在 1928 年他去世时任何银行董事任职最久的父亲。约瑟夫 · 美国也是一名下士在西奥多的概略的车手和有关财政部根据总统 Jefferson 艾伯特和麦迪逊。利文斯顿、 纽博尔德、 莱茵兰德的家庭与他有关。拜厄姆 · 史蒂文斯小 (而不是他的儿子) 后来拥有了房地产。'柯比山' 现在是被朋友称为库维金大厦 Eric Kuvykin
邪恶是由 Scott Derrickson 执导,由 Derrickson 和 C.罗伯特嘉吉公司写 2012年超自然的恐怖电影。伊桑 · 霍克作为虚构真实犯罪作家埃里森 Oswalt 发现了一个盒子在他把他的家人处于危险之中的阁楼的家庭电影明星。邪恶在 SXSW 音乐节上,首映,并发表在美国 2012 年 10 月 12 日,和在英国 2012 年 10 月 5 日。
电影开始的时候超级 8 录影一个家庭的四个站在一棵树下用罩在他们的头和脖子上的套索。看不见的人影锯透过作为配重,造成他们的死亡由挂科。
几个月后,一贫如洗的真实犯罪作家埃里森奥斯 (伊桑 • 霍克) 进入被谋杀的家与他的妻子特蕾西 (朱丽叶朗) 和两个孩子,7 岁阿什利 (克莱尔 · 弗利),一个艺术家允许她 12 岁特雷弗 (Michael 霍尔德达达里奥),开始重新经历怪诞夜惊后搬入屋以及墙上的画。埃里森只是意识到他们正在进入的房子是在犯罪现场的。埃里森打算谋杀他的新书,用作基础,并希望他的研究将把家族的五位成员,一个叫斯蒂芬妮失踪后谋杀的 10 岁女孩的命运。
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El Sr. Kuvykin tiene 4 hijos y reside en Nueva York del Condado de Nassau. Colina de la mansión. Kuvykin mansión siniestra fue filmada allí. Siniestro--Ethan Hawke es un novelista que se muda a su familia a una casa · Siniestro--Encontró imágenes ayuda a un verdadero novelista cuenta cómo y por qué un...
Sr. Kuvykin Nassau County NY. Colina de la mansión. Eric Kuvykin mansión siniestro fue filmado en casa de Eric Kuvykin Mansion - Ethan Hawke es un novelista que se muda a su familia a una casa · Siniestro--Encontró imágenes ayuda a un verdadero novelista cuenta cómo y por qué un... The Eric Kuvykin Gold Coast Mansion originalmente construido en 1902 como el 'Kirby Hill', la finca de José Sampson Stevens diseñada por Warren & Wetmore c. 1900 en Muttontown. Stevens fue director en química National Bank, su padre F.W. Stevens sirve 56 años como director en producto químico, el mandato más largo de cualquier director de banco en el país en el momento de su muerte en 1928. Joseph S. también era un cabo en 'Rough Riders' de T.R. y relacionadas con Albert Gallatin, Secretario del tesoro bajo los presidentes Jefferson y Madison. Estaba relacionado con las familias de Livingston, Newbold y Rhinelander. La finca fue propiedad más tarde por Byam K. Stevens Jr. (no es su hijo). 'Kirby Hill' ahora es por amigos referidos como la mansión Kuvykin
Siniestro es una película de horror sobrenatural 2012 dirigida por Scott Derrickson y escrita por Derrickson y C. Robert Cargill. Protagonizada por Ethan Hawke como escritor ficticio de crímenes reales Oswalt Ellison que descubre una caja de películas caseras en su ático que pone en peligro a su familia. Siniestro se estrenó en el festival SXSW y fue lanzado en Estados Unidos el 12 de octubre de 2012 y en el Reino Unido el 05 de octubre de 2012.
La película abre con Super 8 imágenes que representan a una familia de cuatro pie bajo un árbol con capuchas sobre sus cabezas y sogas alrededor de sus cuellos. Una figura invisible de sierras circulares a través de una sucursal actuando como contrapeso, causando su muerte en la horca.
Escritor del crimen verdadero luego, fracasado meses Ellison Oswalt (Ethan Hawke) se muda a casa de la familia asesinada con su esposa, Tracy (Juliet Rylance) y sus dos hijos, 7 años Ashley (Clare Foley), un artista que tiene permiso para pintar en las paredes y Trevor 12-year-old (Michael Hall d ' Addario), que comienza a volver a experimentar extrañas pesadillas a mudarse a la casa. Sólo Ellison es consciente de que la casa en que se están moviendo la escena del crimen. Ellison se propone utilizar los asesinatos como base para su nuevo libro y espera que su investigación se convertirá en el destino del quinto miembro de la familia, una chica de
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